If you experience dry eyes and use contact lenses, you’re familiar with the discomfort and annoyance they can cause. Dryness, irritation, and distorted vision are common problems.
However, you don’t have to endure these symptoms or stop wearing contact lenses. Thanks to advanced lens technology, there’s a contact lens option for almost everyone.
Daily disposable contact lenses are perfect for those with dry eyes. Switching to a lens designed for dry eyes can reduce the discomfort of wearing contact lenses and offer clear, comfortable vision.
Dry eye syndrome, also known as dry eyes, happens when your tear glands fail to make sufficient tears or when the tears dry up too fast.
Causes of dry eyes can include:
Wearing contact lenses can worsen symptoms of dry eyes. The usual material of contact lenses can become dehydrated and alter their form on your eye, leading to discomfort. Soft contacts are placed directly on the eye’s surface and soak up the eye’s moisture. However, when the lens becomes dehydrated, its altered shape can cause rubbing against the eye’s surface, resulting in discomfort.
Additionally, using two-week or monthly disposable contacts can result in problems with protein accumulation, further aggravating discomfort.
Daily contact lenses can be a great option for those with dry eyes.
Single-use daily contact lenses are made for one-time use, requiring you to put in a new pair each morning and throw them away at night. This feature removes the necessity for cleaning and maintaining your contacts. Consequently, your eyes receive a new, sterile set each day.
Research has shown that wearing daily wear contacts is more comfortable than using contacts that last for two weeks before disposal, indicating that as contacts age, protein accumulation leads to symptoms of dry eyes.
There are various types and styles of daily disposable lenses available, including options for correcting astigmatism and even bifocal lenses.
Comfortable daily contact lenses provide greater oxygen supply to your eyes compared to certain conventional lenses. Enhanced oxygen supply aids in maintaining the health and comfort of your eyes all day long. Additionally, these materials are less likely to cause dryness, making them an ideal choice for individuals suffering from dry eyes.
Improper cleaning and storage of lenses that are used every two to four weeks or once a month can lead to dangerous bacteria that may cause infections. Using daily disposable lenses removes the need for cleaning and storage, reducing the risk of infection by using new, sterile lenses every day.
Daily interactions are a great option for those who wear contact lenses only sometimes. You have the flexibility to decide when to use them, like for sports or social gatherings, or you can wear them as much as you like without the hassle of cleaning or storing them.
Simply heading to the store to grab contact lenses off the rack isn’t an option. Before making the switch to daily contact lenses, it’s essential to visit your eye care professional for a comprehensive eye examination and fitting.
Your optometrist will evaluate the health of your eyes, the intensity of your dry eye issue, and suggest the best daily contact lens option for your needs. They might suggest daily contact lenses equipped with moisture retention features designed to maintain eye hydration for extended periods.
Daily contact lenses provide numerous advantages for individuals with dry eyes compared to extended-wear lenses:
Nonetheless, it’s important to seek advice from your eye doctor to find the best daily contact lens option for your individual requirements.
Schedule a visit with The Optical Factory & Primary Health Clinic to rediscover the joy of wearing contact lenses, even if you suffer from dry eyes. Welcome the enhanced comfort of daily contact lenses and take advantage of their advantages.