We can visit you at home

The Optical Factory’s aim is to provide the best in health care for all our patients.

We understand that a large proportion of our patients are elderly and have difficulties visiting the practices. Due to this, we offer @Home Eye Examinations. This service is for those patients who are housebound and unable to leave home to attend the practice unaccompanied.

At Home visits can take place during a time that would suit both the patient and the optometrist. These home visits will be carried out by Roslyn McCallum BSc MCOptom, bringing testing equipment out to examine patients’ eyes in the privacy of their own homes.

We can visit private addresses, residential homes, hospitals or anywhere most convenient for the patient. We are able to work in most environments and can adapt the testing to each situation. We strive to provide a full eye examination by bringing most of our testing equipment with us. However, patients must understand that we are unable to bring some of the larger instruments and consequently a Domiciliary eye examination cannot be as extensive as one carried out in the practice.

Any patient who is entitled to have an NHS eye examination and is unable to leave the house unaccompanied can have a free NHS domiciliary test.