The Optical Factory and Kilmarnock Hearing Care provides hearing aids and prescription glasses to the children in Kenya.

Helping Those In Need

HELPING THOSE IN NEEDS Discover how we help

Since 2009 Sean has been working in Kenya, helping conduct eye screening camps under the OSCR charity Sight  Aid International and delivering prescription spectacles and eye medicine to school children and adults in various parts of Kenya.

So far around 49,835 eye screenings have been carried out with 3470 pairs of glasses and medicines being delivered. Unfortunately the recent COVID 19 pandemic has put all the projects on hold, but thankfully things are getting back to normal and schools are being booked for eye screening.

Eye screenings completeted since 2009
Pairs of glasses handed out since 2009

The Gift of Sight Give a child a brighter future

In the coming months The Optical Factory East Kilbride will commit to sponsoring eye tests for children in Kenya to match each eye test that is conducted in East Kilbride. More details will follow on this as the project develops.

January 2022 saw Sean undertake his first hearing screening project which was conducted at  a Primary School for hearing Impaired children in Machakos County, Kenya in conjunction with Kenya Society for the Deaf. 21 school children  were screened, with 10 children being fitted with hearing aids in February.

Sean hopes these hearing screening projects will be bi-annual and bring much needed hearing care to school children in Kenya.

Helping Kenyan children hear and see


Children who cannot hear or have partial
hearing loss find school extremely difficult and it is nearly impossible for them to be successful.


Supporting children with hearing loss around in Kenya and getting involved in prevention.

Audio Sun

We’ve developed a device that is called Audio Sun

We have entered a business competition in Scotland that offers grants and support to entrepreneurial companies and Scotland and we have made it to the final of this round, with the potential of winning up to £15,000 to help develop the product. I am currently trialling the device in Kenya as part of my hearing screening project that was done in February. We are testing the device up to June 2022 to monitor how it performs.

We are very excited to share with you that Audio Sun won £10,000 at the #EDGE19Awards with our device that will solar recharge 3 different types of hearing aid batteries, preventing the need for single use ones!