Contact lenses can make a difference to your life, whether if it for daily use, just for social use or just for occasional wear.

The benefits of contact lenses

Everybody’s lifestyle is different and your contact lenses should be suitable for yours. That’s why we will take the time to discuss your specific visual needs before explaining which contact lenses are available and the merits of each.

Depending on your prescription and the features of your eye, as well as your lifestyle we might recommend daily, monthly or annual contact lenses.

Fitting & Aftercare

While we might have a preliminary discussion about contact lenses during your eye examination we would only fit you with lenses after a contact lens consultation.

There are specific tests for contact lenses and these are out-with the remit of an NHS eye examination. We need to assess your visual needs along with your lifestyle and in particular examine the cornea (the front surface of the eye), eyelids and eyelashes, and tear film.

Once the lenses are fitted, we will teach you how to wear and care for your lenses and what steps to take to avoid any problems.

The first aftercare appointments are normally a week or two weeks after you collect the contact lenses. This is to ensure that sure you’ve got the best possible vision and comfort, and that your eyes are coping with contact lens wear. Any modifications to the lenses are normally made at this stage.

If you are an experienced wearer we might only need to see you annually but if you are new to lenses we would want to see you at three and six months, and probably annually thereafter.

Visit us for a contact lens fit

Previous wearers £15
New wearers £25

Daily disposables

Daily disposables are contact lenses that are worn once and then thrown away. They are very comfortable and are simple and convenient way of correcting your vision:

Starting from £25 for 32 pairs

Daily disposables come in different types including daily topic and daily multifocal

Monthly disposables

Monthly disposable contact lenses are worn on a daily basis but taken out every night and cleaned and stored to use the next day. After a month they must be disposed of and a fresh pair worn.

They are very comfortable and are often preferred because they are a cheaper option, or because you have more a more complex prescription.

Starting from £16.50 per month

Includes solutions & three month pack

Annual contact lenses

These are generally rigid gas permeable lenses. They are often fitted because of the curvature of your eye. They are slightly more difficult to adapt to initially but you do soon get used to them. They are usually worn every day to ensure your tolerance is maintained. These need to be removed and cleaned every night.

Prices start from £140 to be replaced annually

Dailies Aquacomfort Plus Contact Lenses

You blink over 14,000 times a day. With DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus lenses, a moisturising agent is released with every blink, providing comfort throughout the day. Clear vision and refreshing all-day comfort. An ideal lens for new contact lens wearers. Suitable for part time or full time wear.

The benefits include: