Children’s vision care is essential to every child’s development.

Experts say that over 80 percent of what a child learns in school is presented visually, so making sure your son or daughter has good vision can make a big difference in their academic performance.

As a child spectacle wearer from the age of four, I appreciate the need for the very best eye care for children. Also, a comprehensive range of glasses in different styles and colours, not like the old NHS brown/black for boys or blue/pink for girls. At The Optical Factory we specialise in children’s eye care and will always supply a thinned down lens at no extra cost. I believe a child has a right to receive the best lenses and not to be disadvantaged.

Routine eye exams

Routine eye exams for children can detect any nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism your child has so it can be promptly treated with prescription glasses. Routine exams are also needed to make sure your child’s eyes are healthy and to rule out amblyopia (Lazy Eye), strabismus (Squints) and other binocular vision problems that may interfere with your child’s visual development, academic performance and sports vision.

We also offer comprehensive tests to help with the early detection of dyslexia and provide different solutions to help with this.