To raise awareness around sun protection and skin cancer – the most common cancer in the UK to date. Sun Awareness Week marks the start of a summer long campaign to provide people with information so they can practice sun safety. This year’s campaign focus will be on the need for sun protection in the UK climate, aiming to tackle misconceptions that sun protection is rarely needed in the UK.
Slip on a shirt – protect your skin with clothing & don’t forget to put on a hat that protects your face, neck & ears and a pair of UV protective sunglassesto protect your eyes.
Seek out shade – Step out of the sun before your skin has a chance to redden or burn. Keep babies & very young children out of direct sunlight. when the weather is warmer, spend time in the shade between 11am & 3pm when the sun is brightest.
Slap on the Sunscreen – Look for:
High protection – (SPF) Sun Protection Filter (min SPF 30) to protect against UVB rays from the sun which cause sunburn.
The UVA circle logo and/or 4 or 5 UVA stars to protect against UVA rays, which cause skin aging and sun damage.