Hearing technology, with state-of-the-art advances and options to fit individual needs, is your partner in getting the most out of the great outdoors. It can help you hear speech at noisy outdoor games, enjoy specific sounds during a nature hike, tune out background noise while sailing a favourite spot, and connect with friends over a campfire.
Summer is filled with many activities, which require lots of hearing aid care and navigation. Enjoying summer with hearing loss means being prepared. Taking a cold dip in a pool can be challenging. You always need to make sure that your friends know that you are taking out your hearing aids. That way, if they want to talk to you, they know to get close enough so that you can read their lips.
Always make sure to leave your hearing aids in a safe spot, in a case placed in a shady area. Moisture can get into your hearing aids from sweating, humidity, or being placed near water. Use a dry and store kit to dry it out.
When it comes to eating with your friends outside, try using something like Roger Select. You can place it in the middle of the table, and let it do all the hard work! Just let the people you are with know so that you can avoid any spills!
No one likes getting sand in their shoes, much less getting it stuck in their hearing aids. If you’re spending a day at the beach and happen to drop your hearing aids in the sand, there are ways you can get the sand out quickly and go back to having fun! You can use a dry cloth and a toothbrush to knock most of the sand out. If you have your cleaning kit with you, that can also be used to get rid of a good portion of the sand.
After this happens, remember to tell your us at your next appointment. We will be able to use a small vacuum to remove all the sand to ensure that it does not cause any problems for you in the future.
There are countless water activities for people to participate in during the summer. Pools, wading in the ocean, boating, and waterparks are just some examples. While partaking in these fun activities, it is important to remember to take the proper precautions to ensure your hearing aids do not get water damage. Options for this include removing the hearing aids before the activity begins and placing them in a safe and dry place. If you must wear hearing aids, wearing an old pair when participating in water-based activities is recommended.
Hearing aids are meant to be water-resistant, not waterproof. Accidents happen and sometimes hearing aids end up getting dropped into the water. If that happens, get them out of the water as soon as possible and place them into a bag of rice for 24 hours. There are also drying kits made for hearing aids that can be used in this situation.
Sunscreen helps protect us from the sun while we spend our days outdoors, but it can plug up different pieces of your hearing aid. If sunscreen gets into the receiver, it can lead to it being clogged and not performing correctly. A sign of the receiver being plugged is everything sounding like you are underwater. If this happens, bring your hearing aids to us to get them cleaned out. To avoid this happening, remove your hearing aids before applying sunscreen.