Find out about eye problems many years in advance using an OCT 3D scan, which gives you a clear picture of your eye health. The OCT 3D scan is completely free.
OCT, which stands for Optical Coherence Tomography, is a technique that enables us to obtain a more detailed and accurate view of your eye health. It’s a rapid, non-invasive procedure that is conducted during your health check-up, just before your eye examination.
Unlike traditional digital retinal photography, which only captures the outer surface of the back of your eye, the OCT device provides a comprehensive 3D view of the eye’s interior, including the retina and its layers.
The 3D OCT images offer a cross-sectional perspective of the eye’s internal structure, particularly the retina, allowing for a more thorough evaluation of your eye health before the examination. While digital retinal photography is part of every eye examination to look for any initial issues, the detailed images from the 3D scan can help us identify more severe eye conditions up to several years in advance.
The OCT 3D scan operates similarly to an ultrasound, but instead of employing sound vibrations, it utilises light vibrations to observe the intricate layers of the retina. The retina is positioned at the rear of the eye, and it transforms light into visual images, enabling you to perceive.
The OCT device captures over 1,000 photographs of your eye, ranging from the retina to the optic nerve. This process generates a comprehensive 3D picture, providing insight into the structure of your eye.
Having an OCT 3D scan offers numerous advantages. Similar to standard retinal photography, it’s a non-invasive, entirely pain-free process that requires only a brief moment.
The primary advantage of an OCT 3D scan is its ability to identify eye conditions and diseases at an earlier stage than various other eye tests, even those without any noticeable symptoms.
The 3D images provide a detailed view of even minor changes in your eyes, such as the vitreous, retina, macula, and optic nerve. A significant number of the problems detected by the OCT 3D scan originate at the back of the eye.
If you’re 18 years or older, we suggest scheduling a 3D scan. This is especially beneficial if you’re interested in learning more about your eye health, or if you have a history of glaucoma, diabetes, or a family background of eye conditions. A 3D scan provides a detailed visual record of your eye health, allowing us to monitor any changes during your eye examinations. This early detection of changes can aid in identifying potential eye problems before they become serious. Similar to managing any health condition, identifying issues early can help prevent them from escalating.