It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and let’s aim to keep it that way with tips to prevent common eye injuries in the holiday season. As everyone is in a hustle to finish his or her holiday shopping, decorating, and traveling it is easy to bypass safety as a first priority.
This holiday season eye safety may not be your foremost concern. However, this time of year can be dangerous for your eyes due to toys, sports and other potential hazards. Here’s how you can protect your precious sight during the holidays.
The team at The Optical Factory & Hearing Clinic handles a handful of eye emergencies and is prepared to help you if you experience any yourself. However, it is always better to be proactive, which is why we are here to provide you with some holiday eye safety tips.
Who would think the eye-catcher and focal point of the season, the Christmas tree, could be the very thing to cause you injury? Christmas tree injuries are very common, and should be addressed.
Children are so excited to open their gifts and play; the last thing on their mind is eye safety. Unfortunately, toy-related eye injuries are at an all time high in the holiday season according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Most of the injuries are preventable.
Social gathering, spreading the holiday cheer sounds like the ultimate plan. Adults, when ready to pop the champagne remember to be careful. No one wants to be hit in the eye with the cork.
If you are traveling and driving in the snow always be cautious. It is a misconception that sunglasses are only needed in the summer.